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Kathy Ferrel: "Digital Storytelling with Library of Congress Resources"


The was the first time I had been introduced to the value of using primary sources from the Library of Congress.  What an incredible accurate resource located in one place. After viewing a "digital story" created with these primary sources, I am convinced that the teachers and students at Acres Green will find many examples of appropriate and interesting media to be used in teaching, learning, and presenting.


First I suggest you visit the page for Teachers


Here, the Learning Page has Lessons by Themes, Topics, Disciplines, or Eras.

Features and Activities is another valuable place to find classroom activities.


Now, visit the Kids and Families page for some more dynamic activities.


Now to the Digital Storytelling piece...

Digital storytelling  is a meaningful way to blend technology, inquiry, and primary sources. Containing media, action, relationship, context, and communication this is a powerful means of expressing thoughts and ideas. The most important thing to remember is to start with a story and make it a good story! This includes all pertinent elements of strong characters, plot, setting, problem, solution, and theme.


Digital stories serve the purpose of:

educating or teaching
preserving history or culture
providing examples
describing a person, place, thing, or event
providing background information

Elements in a digital story:

Usually told in first person
Evolves around a person, place, thing, or event
Contains emotional content
 Incorporates a strong voice
Includes soundtrack or music
Follows rule of "less is more"
Employs good pacing

 Teaching Our Students to be Good Digital Storytellers


 As we teach our students, make sure they create the story first and then find the images, sounds, and other elements. A great way to find specific resources is to Browse the Collections of the Library of Congress.  Click on Maps  or Motion Pictures or Sound Recordings to try a few. 



Here is a link to a storyboard format to use with this kind of story planning.

It includes Frame #, picture or diagram, narration or sound.

Here is this same storyboard completed as an example.


Best advice as you begin is to keep it simple and short.



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