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June 18 - 22, Technology In Education (T.I.E.) Conference at Copper Mountain
The theme of the conference this year was evolution and change, asking the questions:
"Have we kept up with advancements in our quest to harness technology for the improvement of education?"
"Are we so absorbed in everyday challenges that we've lost sight of the latest innovations in technology?"
The conference provided many engaging sessions designed around both the latest cutting-edge technology tools, to the best instructional practices. As I absorbed what was presented as well as networked with colleagues, both my creative and logistical sides flourished with new ideas. I  am very excited to employ many of these current tools and resources as I work with the staff and students at Acres Green.
Offering the greatest impact to education and how people in general use the internet are Web 2.0 tools, includiing wikis, blogs, and podcasts.  Therefore, I decided to share what I learned at the conference in the form of a wiki. A wiki page, just like Wikipedia, is one that anyone may edit. This is a wiki page where anyone may add comments to or edit at will, however, I have password protected it until the time I submit it for a graduate level class.  After that, I will share the password with others.  As you read through my reflections and summaries of some of the sessions of this conference, you will see some great examples of  2.0 "Read/Write" tools in education, as well as other interesting links and ideas surrounding technology in education. (Click on the Sidebar tab on the right to view the session options.) Think of how you could use this new information and these new tools with your students and others in our educational environment.  As to why you should try these new tools...watch these videos!
Did You Know; Shift Happens, by Karl Fisch - teacher, Arapahoe High School, Littleton School District
This was for a staff meeting addressing the question, "How are we going to meet the needs of the 21st Century Learner?"


Hope this is valuable!  Enjoy! 

Kay Tucker
Educational Technology and Information Literacy Resource Teacher
Acres Green Elementary


  Sessions Attended

Tuesday, AM

 Keynote Speaker, Will Richardson - Read/Write Possibilities of the Web

Tuesday, PM Joel Soloman: Web 2.0 -  Making the Read/Write Web Work for You
Wednesday, AM Matt Kuhn -  Using Technology with Classroom Instruction That Works - The Book
Wednesday, PM Karen Peterson -  A GPS Tour = Great Potential for Students! What Direction are You Going?
Thursday, AM Kathy Ferrel -  Digital Storytelling with Library of Congress Resources
Thursday, PM Steven Newell - A Hi-Tech Walk in the Park

 Reflections on Technology in Education - 2007

Nature vs.Technology

As the sun casts its rays on glistening snowfields, evident is the timeless beauty of the Ten-Mile Range.

Yet, what a quandary it is being totally immersed, in this technological world of rapid and everpresent change.


The furiously rushing mountain stream, crashing with passion over boulders as if in a race,

Is so vividly similar to the rate of transformation in education that is taking place.


Could it be that wikis somehow emulate nature, in that as flowers bloom and grow,

They too flourish with expanding creative ideas and all that people know?


Are podcasts and videos alive with sounds, images and text to be read,

Akin to a walk in the forest with sounds of birds, visions of flowers, and thoughts in our head?


Nature versus technology, both thrive and evolve in very different ways,

 One likeness is a certainty, they both do amaze!

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