
"Using Technology withClassroomInstructionThatWorks

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 4 months ago

Matt Kuhn, McREL -  "Using Technology with Classroom Instruction That Works - The Book"



We all know the book, Classroom Instruction That Works, and this session was all about the technology to use in connection with the most effective strategies for learning.  This is a new book and was not available as of the time of this session, however, Matt focused on ideas from the book for data collection and analysis. It is now available through ASCD or any other retail outlet.  Below are some of his suggestions.


Establish direction for learning


Use this as a means of gathering data.  There is great value in having students take a survey and showing them the results in real time.


Here is an example, of how this could be used in the classroom.  Learning Goals for the Story of Rumpelstiltskin


Praise students for attainment of a goal...


This is more effective than random praises and verbal praise is more effective than tangible rewards.  Send a recording to your students with verbal praise, subject line..."Turn up the volume!"  Your voice with personal praise is highly rewarding.

Or...send ecards...

Multi-media advanced organizer...As one idea, use Stellarium

Non-linguistic representation 


Duo-coding theory - the more things that are attached to an idea, the better chance one has of remembering.  This includes sounds, smells, tastes, emotions, etc. Great teachers are typically great storytellers as they help students create images. Consider the value of document cameras and digital microscopes.


Have students create Claymations - Here is an example:Lewis and Clark: Animated Expedition

To find more,  just do a search on google video and type in "Student Claymation" for many others. I have already spoken with Ms. Ahlbrecht about collaborating with teachers in this medium.  Let her know if you have any ideas, and I will work with both of you on this project. If interested, check out the following site.

Clay Animation Made Easy

Cooperative Learning...

(make sure it is collaborative)


Check out this example: United Nations World Issues Project




 ...should be identified, articulate, and promote independent thought.  For value to the students, it needs to be commented on.


Submit homework on website so it is interactive

Students submit work in Word so it can be edited.  Use "Track changes" under Tools in WORD.













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